Self Image - The Amazing, Absolute Key To All Personal Growth

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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this video we're going to talk about the self-image hey okay welcome back let's crack into this one the self-image this is going to be a quick breeze through what self-image is because self-image is such a powerful idea it's such a transformative idea first of all I love this topic because of the potential it has to completely transform the quality of your life I'm talking about ridiculous levels of transformation possible by understanding and utilizing this concept so we're going to break into it but there's so much here I can't cover it all in just 15 or 20 minutes so let's pack in as much as we can get you a really solid intro to self-image hopefully convince you of the importance of further study on this topic and taking some of these actions to heart all right so self-image what is it well a lot of these ideas that I bring to you are really coming from Maxwell Malta's classic self-help book psycho cybernetics if you haven't checked that out and you want to be a serious student of self-help I really recommend it of all the books I've read I think this is one of the most powerful important practical tools that you can use to transform your life is psycho cybernetics it is ridiculously powerful here are some of the key points so maxwell maltz he was actually a doctor he was a plastic surgeon back in the 50s I believe 1950s and what he discovered is he started looking into psychology but the reason that he started looking into psychology and people's self images was because he started to do plastic surgery I mean he was doing plastic surgery and then he noticed a couple of interesting things the first thing he noticed is that he would make changes on people people that had crippling emotional problems because of how they looked for example they would have some deformity on their face which they thought which they thought would make them ugly and unacceptable or they thought that they had too big of a nose or their lips were too small or they had wrinkles or something like that and Maxwell Maltz would go in there and he cut them up fix them up and make them pretty and when he did that what he noticed much to his shock was that even though he could take an ugly person and change the change that person's face totally around and make them beautiful and pretty that that person two things would happen need two types of patients one patient his life would be radically transformed his self-confidence would be boosted his self-image would be awesome huge feel great he'd have a lot of self esteem and he'd go out and he'd really change his life he have a light transformation that would last for the rest of his life that happened with some of the patients with some of the other patients who also went through that same procedure what would happen is that they would still think that they're ugly even though objectively they were now beautiful and in fact some of the patients were so upset with Maltz that they accused him of not having made any changes to their face at all they would accuse him basically of being a charlatan of being a quack and of course he made changes but that person here's where we're getting to self-image had such a strong self-image of who they were before the operation that that self-image still remained even after the operation and even though the external the physical features changed it's the self-image that really determines how you feel about your life and even what you believe is true so this is a extremely powerful concept let's really define self-image what is self image self image is a subconscious framework for how you see life and yourself and what you believe and what you think is true and this applies to reality and it applies to yourself so every belief that you have is part of this self yourself image what you think of yourself of course is the self image but also what you think is possible that's also part of your self image for example do you think it's possible for you to be earning a million dollars a year do you really believe that if you do then that's part of your self-image if you don't if that if that sounds ridiculous to you sounds like a like a fairy tale like wishful thinking that's not part of your self-image and so that that pathway of reality basically is blocked off to you what's happening here is that in your mind your mind is creating a map a mental model of reality and how the world works and this model this is the really tricky part about it is that it's mostly subconscious you're not aware of it you're not aware of all the assumptions that you make about how your world works how society works how life works and how you work who you are you have all sorts of assumptions that get in there mostly unconsciously by being programmed and conditioned as you're growing up by your parents by all the friends you interact with through school basically every single person you come into contact with and not just people but also circumstances that happened to you and just even you know simple things like experiences that you have when you put your hand in your hot stove and you learn your lesson from that real quick right but that gets seared into your subconscious and that's part of your self-image and your model of reality is is that you don't put your hand near hot objects because that has hurt you in the past that's burned you literally so this is what you've got is you've got this self image and this self image is like a large I like to think of it of a ball of yarn think of it like you have a ball of your own that's this big and there's like literally hundreds of strands of yarn in there and it all tangled up and bunched up together and that's built then built up over the last all the years of your life up to this point is all the experience have come in and taught you different lessons give you different beliefs and assumptions and it's all congealed into this tight ball of yarn and it's pretty big mess in there and all this is sitting below the surface so you don't even see it you maybe see a little corner a little piece of the yarn here a little piece they are there and what's powerful and important about all this is that this is determining your actions I have other videos on this to talk about the how does subconscious mind but the key takeaway from those videos and I'm just going to throw out you here real fast is simply that ninety-five percent I would say of your behaviors and actions are subconscious so the results in your life are largely subconscious you're not consciously the results you're getting and your body is like a thermostat and your mind is like a thermostat and it tends to keep you in a state of homeostasis in equilibrium so that is why it's hard to make change that's why you're stuck where you are right now that's why you're stuck earning as much money as you do you're stuck at the weight level that you're stuck at you're stuck at your happiness kind of setpoint you're stuck in in your relationships kind of where you've always been and so you're kind of tend to be stuck there and if you want to create big change then you've got to start looking below the surface into this big ball of yarn you start to have start to unravel that stuff and looking at the self-image so what's powerful about the self-image is that anything that you really believe to be true is something that you're going to then align your behaviors and your actions with so your behaviors and really whole personality and what you think of yourself and what you think of the world and how you then go and act the things you then do in your life this is very practical the things you do in your life are all shaped by what you believe is true and the crazy thing here is that it doesn't matter if you believe it to be true and it's false you'll still operate based on that belief because by definition a belief is believed to be true by you and so it feels as though it's true and there are many things in your self-image that are complete horseshit false fabrications complete illusions and that is keeping you stuck where you are so if you want to prop yourself out of that and you want to get going and you want to create some some big change in your life whether with your career your relationships or your fitness or anything else or just how you even think about yourself then you have to start to dig in to self-image and do some of this work so when you actually start to change your self-image and this is possible it's possible to change yourself image then you start to create lasting changes that are sustainable that are not like a yo-yo effect that actually lasts and that's how you can create massive weight loss that's how you can create massive success with the opposite sex that's how you can create massive success with your finances in your business that's how you can create massive success personally in your own psychology just how you feel how you think becoming more positive rather than negative dropping anxiety dropping depression dropping alcoholism all of this stuff happens by working on your self-image whether you do it consciously or not you're still working on your self-image this is why it's so powerful let me give you a couple of examples now of what self-image is on a more practical level these are thoughts about you so there's thoughts about reality let's talk about thoughts about yourself what do you see yourself as being because who you see yourself as is what your life is going to reflect it's a really powerful idea your thoughts reflect your life and your life also reflects your thoughts so there is a interaction then there's a it's a two-way street it's not a one-way street right now you probably think that well what I think about myself is just what's real it's the experiences that I've had and if I believe that I am for example a poor speller I'm not good at spelling well that's because I've got all this evidence to back that up I've always failed spelling tests I always make a lot of typos people keep telling me I'm a bad speller I didn't do good at school so I must be a bad speller right maybe you are maybe or not but the fact that it's in your in your subconscious now it's in it's in your in that big ball of yarn it's part of your self-image now your life is going to start to reflect that and it's going to start to create self-fulfilling prophecy effect which can be extremely dangerous and it can propagate the fact that you are a poor speller so maybe you were a poor speller in the in the past does that mean you can't change that going forward but if you believe that you are a poor speller that's part of your self-image you really believe it what chances do you think you have of becoming a good speller very little right very very little it's really dangerous is when you believe it so much that even what I'm telling you right now just goes over your head and you start coming up with with reasons why I'm telling you is not true but let me assure you that this model of the self-image is very very true and there are shocking things about yourself that you believe right now with 100% faith uncertainty which are completely bogus and are completely destroying the quality of your life and your potential to grow so let's cover a few more of those we covered I am a poor speller what if you believe deep down inside that you're bad at math you know you always hated math didn't like math you were bad at math to school you're bad at numbers whenever someone asks you to do some accounting work some Excel spreadsheet work you always make mistakes and errors so now you believe you're bad at math that could be part of your self-image how about I'm a failure you imagine what that would do to your life if you really believe that you fail you're a failure what if you believed that you are shy what if you believed I am shy I'm just a shy person I'm an introvert what if you believe I'm clumsy I'm always clumsy I always say the wrong things do the wrong things trip into over stuff bump into things or just a clumsy person what if you think of yourself as an alcoholic I am an alcoholic I have a drinking problem I always have always will that's just who I am to my genes right its genetic that's a good one isn't it oh I'm shy because that's genetic my parents were shy I'm a poor speller you know my parents were bad spellers I'm I'm not smarter than my burbled the verbal part of my brain is just not as sharp as other people about that at math for the same reason or I'm clumsy I'm just naturally clumsy watch out for that genetic and that naturally those can be killers all right how about uh money so many negative self-image problems with money how about believing this money is hard to make what do you believe about money you believe money is hard to make or is it's easy to make do you think that has an effect on how much money you have in your bank account well it does very much so look into what you think about money about what if you believed that life is unfair and life is hard and difficult life is unfair and difficult and hard that's kind of an ugly one what if you believed I'm ugly you believe that you are ugly and that others see you as being ugly how do you think that would play out in your life so these are some just common examples that I might throw at you you can think of more there can be a list of literally hundreds maybe thousands of them these are just common limiting assumptions and beliefs part of the self-image that we can have that that is perpetuating the low quality life that we have and I've got these you've got them the trick is that we don't even know that we've got them a lot of these they sound very silly and simplistic like something for example like I'm a failure you might say well I would never say that I'm a failure that's just stupid you recognize that logically but actually deep down inside you actually believe that you're a failure because a lot of the things that are in your self-image are completely illogical stupid foolish until you articulate them the problem is that you don't even know what they are you haven't dug into that into that ball of yarn to find out or something like I'm ugly you might never have even articulated to yourself that you are ugly but maybe deep down inside you actually believe it and that's why you have a lot of the relationship problems that you have because you need the other person to come and give you compliments and to praise you all the time and to to lavish you with love and whenever he or she is not doing that you feel rejected you feel anger you feel bitter and then that relationship falls apart because you create a lot of stress and drama because you want more love and you want more affection from the other person and that drive the other person away from you but you need it ultimately because deep down without even realizing it you believe that you are ugly and you need other people to to basically counteract that belief and you want them to be showering you with compliments all the time kind of deep kind of powerful right but that is how it works it's crazy how the mind can work so let's move on and let's talk about wrapping up here and talking about you know what what kind of can you do about this and where where does is all this leading to so ultimately what I want you to take away from this video because I can't cover all the steps of how to actually start to affect your self image right now but I want you to take away this idea that this is something that's real this is something that's extremely important this is something that your mind should be focused on and thinking about and that this is where change happens you know the old saying where they tell you if you're going to be lifting some heavy object you want to lift it with your legs and not your back because if you lift it with your back you're going to strain your back and you're not gonna be as strong as if you lift it with your from your legs and so you have to kind of train yourself to lift from your legs when you're moving something heavy maybe you've run across this when you remove in your house and moving heavy boxes or that washing machine or that TV well that can apply here with doing personal development work and where it applies is this right now if you're trying to get some sort of change in your life what you're probably doing is you're using your willpower to say okay enough is enough I'm going to go on a diet and then you try to do that diet or enough is enough I'm going to go try to earn some more money by starting a business and you start that new business or at least you try and what happens you've probably noticed this is that you quickly fall off because your willpower breaks it breaks it's like you're back it's like using your back to lift something there are times when you can do that and it's fine to do it and I think building willpower is great but the key if you want lasting massive change in your life transformation then what you got to start doing and you've got to start doing work in your subconscious because your subconscious is the power center of your results the subconscious is where 95% of your action is stemming from so that's what you got to work on and that is working on your self-image it's working on your beliefs it's doing more of this deeper introspection work and one of the ways that you can work on that is through coaching coaching is really it for getting you these insights bring stuff up from your subconscious getting you to realize things that you haven't really realized before and the last one I'm going to end on is the fact that yes you can change subconscious it's actually not that difficult but it does take persistence it takes about 21 days as maximum waltz talks about in psycho cybernetics he says it takes about 21 days to really create elastic change in your in your self-image so that is why for example if you're keeping on diets or if you're doing a habit you're taking up some sort of new habit it's going to take you at least 21 days maybe a month or two to really lock that in it's because it's supposed to permeate into the subconscious and that is a form of working on your self-image all right this is Leo I'm signing off that's all I have to say on self-image right now go ahead leave your comments like this please share it I really want to hear Kant's from you because I do use the feedback that I get the discussion that goes down in the comments section I do use that to to polish up what I'm doing gives me ideas for new videos to shoot so if you have questions need clarification go ahead and pop a comment or question down below and then of course check out actualized org where you can sign up to the free newsletter really encourage it because we release exclusive content there articles weekly videos downloads new products that I'm going to be working on and releasing over the next few years so sign up for that we're not going to spam you and of course you also get some nice bonuses for doing that you get an exclusive 19 part video series which talks about busting limiting beliefs actually goes really well along with working on your self-image and you can get a chance to win two hours of free coaching which I give away every month to one of my subscribers so go ahead and sign up you